- 喷雾干燥制粒机
- 喷雾干燥制粒机
- PGL-B喷雾干燥制粒机(一步机)PGL-B SPRAYING DRYER GRANULATOR(ONE-STEP GRANULATOR)★PGL-B喷雾干燥制粒机(一步机) 设备特点:Features of equipment※喷雾干燥室、捕集室、流化床及二次供风系统等结构进行了重要修改后,更加贴切的表现出喷雾干燥的特性。
※按照 “GMP” 要求设计、制造及布局。
※比 FL 型流化更为稳定,调节风量更加合理,提高了流化干燥强度,克服了 “ 死床 ” 现象 .
※多流体雾化器,更适用于多糖分,粘稠性强或热敏性的产品。※ Multi-fluid atomizer. Particularly it is suitable for material that contains component of amylase and has strong viscosity or heat sensitive product.
※ The structure of spraying drying chamber, filtering chamber, fluid-bed and secondary air supply system has been improved greatly. It can appear the features of spraying drying deeply.
※ Designed and manufactured laid out by GMP
※ Can realize continuous spraying process of immersed paste.
※ Simple and reliable operation
※ Improve spraying and drying efficiency
※ Compared with FL, the fluid-bed is more constant and the adjusted air amount is more reasonable. The drying degree is improved and the "died bed" is overcome★PGL-B(一步机) 应用概述 :General of applications※PGL-B 型适用于中成药制备冲剂、胶囊、片剂颗粒或对颗粒进行包衣。※PGL-B machine is suitable for Chinese traditional medicine granule, such as capsule and no or low sugar and tablet or coating of granule.★PGL-B(一步机) 技术参数:Technical Data规格Specification项目Item351020304080120150原料容器积Container voiumeL125010022030042067010001500供液量Liquid speedKg/h2-44-66-1015-2520-4030-6060-10020-160100-200液体比重Specific gravity of liquidKg/L≤1.3风机功率Power of fanKw447.51518.518.5223045辅助鼓风机功率Auxiliary blower fanKw0.550.550.751.噪音Noisedb风机隔离处理噪音小于75分贝No more than 75db Separated of fan压缩空气Compressed air压强 PressureMpa0.6耗量ConsumptionM3/min0.蒸汽Steam压强PressureMpa0.4-0.6耗量ConsumptionKg/h2550120160240280300380465电加热功率Power of electrical heaterKw6kw9kw主机尺寸Size of installation for referenceH1(mm)2760319032003430369037704240H2(mm)260026003120368036903920416042404760H3(mm)241024102570295029603190345035103960B (mm)7608601160146015601660186020602260L(mm)85010501250153015301650165017501850¢1300550700100011001200140016001800¢2150180180280280280280315355所有尺寸仅作参考 , 视物料情况 , 本公司拥有变更权利 , 并不另行通知 .*All sizes are used for reference only. According to the condition of material, our factory has the right change but not notice, pardon!